Tuesday, 21 February 2012

list of beautyful flower names in g

List of flower names:

Common name: Gardenia
Botonical name: Gardenia jasminoides

GardeniaGardenia jasminoides is a fragrant flower growing in Vietnam, Southern China, Taiwan and Japan. The bloom is used as a yellow dye, which is used for clothes and food (including the Korean mung bean jelly called hwangpomuk). The Cape Jasmine name comes from the earlier belief that the flower originated in Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. Gardenia jasminoides fructus (fruit) is used within Traditional Chinese Medicine to "drain fire" and thereby treat certain febrile conditions.

List of flower names:

Common name: Gayfeather
Botonical name: Liatris callilepis

GayfeatherSpike shaped flower that starts blooming from the top downward; numerous species; prefers moist, well-drained soil; drought tolerant.

List of flower names:

Common name: Gerbera daisy
Botonical name: Gerbera jamesonii

Gerbera daisyGerbera jamesonii is a perennial herb with deeply lobed leaves covered with silky hairs arising from a crown. The striking inflorescence is borne on a long stalk and the outermost petals (ray florets) may be cream, red, orange or pink, while the central flowers (disc florets) are cream. Flowering occurs in spring and autumn.

List of flower names:

Common name: Gerbera Ruby Red
Botonical name: Grebera jamesonii

Gerbera Ruby RedGerbera jamesonii is a perennial herb with deeply lobed leaves covered with silky hairs arising from a crown. The striking inflorescence is borne on a long stalk and the outermost petals (ray florets) may be cream, red, orange or pink, while the central flowers (disc florets) are cream. Flowering occurs in spring and autumn.

List of flower names:

Common name: Godetia
Botonical name: Clarkia amoena

GodetiaGodetias provide one of the more varied shows in flowerdom, with a wide range of colors and combinations, mostly in reds, whites, and pinks. They bloom in early summer, and if conditions are right, can continue through the summer. They prefer a cooler climate, and resent hot or excessively wet summers.

List of flower names:

Common name: Goldenrod
Botonical name: Solidago hybrid

GoldenrodAbout 100 perennial species make up the genus Solidago, most being found in the meadows and pastures, along roads, ditches and waste areas in North America. There are a handful of species from each of Mexico, South America, and Eurasia. Some American species have also been introduced into Europe some 250 years ago. Goldenrods are easily recognized by their golden inflorescence with hundreds of small capitula, but some are spike-like and other have auxiliary racemes.

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