Monday, 20 February 2012

Benefits of Yoga For Women

Benefits of Yoga For Women

If you're a woman contemplating on doing yoga, then there is no reason for you to doubt this routine knowing that it promises a lot of health benefits. The integral incorporation of physical exercises, breathing and meditation is ideal for the modern woman who had to juggle different responsibilities at once. 

First and foremost, yoga boosts your immunity level such that you equip your body with the natural ability to fight certain ailments and diseases. Moreover, it can regulate your body's internal functions through breathing and meditation, such that you can effectively cope with stress. In cases of pregnant women, doing yoga exercises will enable you to cope with the pregnancy symptoms and improve the childbirth experience. 

Indeed, the role of yoga is evident in a woman's day-to-day life. So, if you want to experience these benefits, read more below to find out which yoga exercises you must incorporate into your own routine.

Standing Forward Bend Yoga Position for Menopausal Women

Yoga for Menopause

Menopause signals the end of a woman's monthly menstrual cycle, which also makes her incapable of bearing a child. Due to the intense hormonal changes in the body, it often leads to the manifestation of various conditions, whether physical, hormonal, or psychological. And since it often takes place abruptly, women have no means to prepare themselves for these changes. Performing yoga exercises and techniques is therefore a great way to cope with the symptoms of menopause and other entailing conditions. 

There are some excellent yoga positions that will help women cope with menopause. For instance, the Mountain Pose or Tadasana is a state of stillness in the body, which promotes relaxation and immovable stability throughout your body. The Hands to Feet Pose offers similar benefits to the Forward Bend, wherein you attain increased elasticity on the spine while stretching your leg muscles. The Warrior Pose is also suggested for menopausal women to boost stamina and concentration, as well as relieving backaches that is one of the most common symptoms of menopause. 

Other yoga exercises for women suffering from menopause are Standing Side Stretch Pose, Lotus Yoga Pose, Single Leg Raise, Double Legs Raise, Cobra Pose, Seated Forward Bend, Shavasana, among others.


Yoga for Menstrual Conditions

Menstruation is a natural cycle that women have to go through on a monthly basis. Often, this is a painful experience that is associated with various symptoms such as dysmenorrhea and pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). It usually involves physical manifestation of symptoms such as abdominal cramps, tenderness of breasts, back pain, nausea, migraine, and reduced energy level. Psychologically, some women suffer from anxiety, intense mood swings, and depression.

Doing the Easy Pose will therefore relieve you off any physical pain and psychological symptoms of PMS. This classic meditation pose often comes after performing Shavasana or the Corpse Pose, thus you have the ability to keep the mind still and block out any negative thoughts and reduce your sensation of pain. The Child's Pose is another excellent way to reduce muscle contraction in your abdomen and reduce the pain associated with your monthly menstrual cycle. Other suggested poses for women suffering from menstrual conditions include Wind Relieving Pose, Fish Pose, Bow Pose, and the Cat Pose.

Prenatal Yoga : Prenatal Yoga: Meditation & Breathing

Prenatal Yoga

Women are excited about the possibility of giving birth; hence, your pre-natal efforts prove crucial in ensuring the health of your child upon birth. However, this stage in a woman's life also entail a lot of discomfort and uneasiness. Performing yoga exercises on a regular basis is therefore important to cope with the symptoms of your condition and improve overall childbearing experience.

In addition to the physical benefits of yoga for pregnant women, the mental enhancement prove the most crucial. The use of breathing exercises help one attain optimum relaxation, which could come handy during labor. The stretching and toning exercises in yoga such as headstands and other inverted positions are therefore most ideal for pregnant women. But do take note about performing yoga positions that involve sudden jerking or could put you at risk of falling. More importantly, you must avoid doing bikram or hot yoga at all times. The presence of heat element is highly dangerous for the child in your womb. 

PREGNANCY YOGA With Esther Ekhart and Jess/Part2

Yoga for Pregnancy

A new method of yoga intended mainly for pregnant women has been innovated upon realizing the benefits that yoga has to offer on pregnant mothers. Moreover, it will enable one to cope with the amount of discomfort and physical changes that the body undergoes, which bring forth such conditions as morning sickness, feeling of fatigue, weight gain, swollen breasts, and mood swings. The performance of yoga postures during pregnancy is intended to mentally prepare you for the labor ahead. At the same time, it aims to keep the body healthy by engaging in gentle but powerful exercises. 

During your first trimester, standing positions are most ideal to increase strength in your legs, improve circulation, and reduce the common pregnancy symptom of leg cramping. Upon reaching your second and third trimester, you need to minimize the time spent on doing yoga asanas to avoid over-working your body. You can also modify your usual backbends, supine exercises, and twisting poses since your belly has gradually increased in size at this point. 

To ensure smooth and safe delivery, yogi experts suggest doing the following poses: Mountain pose, Warrior Pose, Triangle Pose, Standing Spread Leg Forward Bend, Hero Pose, Fish Pose, Sage Twist Yoga Pose, Shoulder Lifts, and Neck Exercises, among others.

Yoga Childs Pose

Suggested Yoga Positions for Women

The following poses are ideal for women in general, such that you can boost health and physical condition to avoid certain conditions commonly affecting women's health, as mentioned above:

*Child's Pose – This is ideal in coping with menstrual conditions or pre-menstrual syndrome.
*Downward Facing Dog Pose – This will enable women to boost circulatory function and gain upper body strength.
*Plank Pose – This particular pose will work out the core muscles in a woman's body.
*Warrior Pose – This standing position is a great way to achieve leaner and longer legs.
*Garland Pose – This squat yoga position is a great way to cope with digestive disorders such as constipation and abdominal cramps.
*Tree Pose – This is great for women who want to improve strength in their lower body and attain more balance. 
*Bridge Pose – Considered as an energizing pose, the Bridge Pose in yoga will help facilitate in the energy flow within your body once properly combined with rhythmic breathing.

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